Face-to-face communication is our first priority.

Yaesu Audit & Co.'s primary service lines are as follows.

We provide financial statement auditing services to a wide range of clients such as listed and unlisted companies, cooperative associations, health insurance societies, trade unions and other various public interest corporations.
IPO Support
For the clients who are seeking an IPO, we respond with sincerity to the compilation of financial statements, financial investigations and consulting, etc.
Establishing internal controls
We help clients establish internal controls paying careful attention to the size and business environment.

Yaesu Audit & Co. considers communications with clients as our first priority.
We have frequent discussions with our clients to understand their business,
operations and organization culture and provide value added services.

Service Line

Audits required under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act
Audits required under the Companies Act
Audits of public corporations and public interest corporations
Audits of co-operative associations and co-operative associations unions
Audits of trade unions
Audits of financial sections of annual reports
Other voluntary audits
IPO Support
Public Offering Preparation Audits
"Short" reviews
Compilation of financial statements for the purpose of public offering
Review and Advice on Financials
Financial Consulting
Assistance in establishing Internal controls
Review and making suggestions on internal controls
Consulting on internal controls

Audit Clients

Audits required under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the Companies Act
Audits required under the Companies Act
Audits required under the Private Schools Promotion and Assistance Act
Audits required under the Labor Union Act
Audits of cooperative associations and cooperative association unions
Audits of public corporations and public interest corporations
Audits of Social welfare corporation
Other voluntary audits

As of July 1, 2024